Feature Requests

Open a Discord Server
Hello, My apologies as this feedback is not directly related to the product itself. However, I wanted to share my thoughts on why I believe a kaptr.me Discord server could be a valuable addition. Having a dedicated Discord server would give me and other users a much more direct connection to the kaptr.me team. The current Facebook group is helpful, but I'm not as active on Facebook and prefer to keep my usage there limited. A Discord server would provide a more engaging and interactive community platform. In fact, the lack of a more direct communication channel is one of the reasons I have not purchased a subscription or higher tier for kaptr.me yet. I feel a bit too distant from the company, and my fear is that without a stronger community and connection, the company may not survive in the long term. Many successful companies and products have leveraged Discord to build strong, dedicated user communities. Discord allows for real-time discussions, shared resources, feature feedback, and a closer relationship between the team and the user base. This can lead to valuable insights, a better overall experience, and a sense of belonging for the community. Establishing a kaptr.me Discord server would demonstrate the team's commitment to building a passionate and engaged user base. It would give users like myself a centralized place to connect, collaborate, and shape the future of the product together with the team. I believe this could be a significant benefit and would greatly enhance my experience as a kaptr.me user. I hope you'll consider this feedback and the potential value a Discord community could bring to kaptr.me .
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